Xianyong Fang   

Professor, School of Computer Science & Technology, Anhui University

Email: fangxianyong at ahu.edu.cn

I am a professor of the School of Computer Science and Technology at Anhui University. I got my PhD degree from the State Key Lab. of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University in Dec. 2005 and worked as a Postdoc in LIMSI-CNRS ( now LISN, University Paris-Saclay) during Aug. 2007 ~ Jul. 2008. I was also a Visiting Scholar of the Computer Graphics and Interactive Media Lab. at University of Houston from Dec. 2018 to Dec. 2019.

My research interests are in the broad areas of computer graphics, virtual reality, computer vision, pattern recognition, multimedia and human-computer interaction. Some of the projects I involoved have codes opened in the GitHub, while more complete versions of the open codes and my published papers can be found from the Google Site and Google Scholar.

Selected Publications

 Towards Finer Human Reconstruction for Single RGB-D Images

 Yan Zhu, Yu Qian, Renlong Dai, Linbo Wang, Zhengyi Liu, Xianyong Fang

  41st Computer Graphics International Conference (CGI 2024), 2024. [Pdf]

 Fine Back Surfaces Oriented Human Reconstruction for Single RGB-D Images

 Xianyong Fang, Yu Qian, Jinshen He, Linbo Wang, Zhengyi Liu

  Computer Graphics Forum (31th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, PG 2023), vol. 42, no. 7, pages 1-12, 2023. [Pdf] [Code]

 Sub-Band Based Attention for Robust Polyp Segmentation

  Xianyong Fang, Yuqing Shi, Qingqing Guo, Linbo Wang, Zhengyi Liu

  32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23), pages 736-744, 2023. [Pdf] [Code] [Supplementary]

 Parallel Matters: Efficient Polyp Segmentation with Parallel Structured Feature Augmentation Modules

 Qingqing Guo, Xianyong Fang, Kaibing Wang, Yuqing Shi, Linbo Wang, Enming Zhang, Zhengyi Liu

  IET Image Processing, vol. 17, no. 8, pages 2503-2515, 2023. [Pdf]

 Robust Fusion for Skin Lesion Segmentation of Dermoscopic Images

 Qingqing Guo, Xianyong Fang, Linbo Wang, Enming Zhang, Zhengyi Liu

  Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology Bioprocess Engineering, vol. 11, p.310, 2023, [Pdf]

 LGANet: Local-Global Augmentation Network for Skin Lesion Segmentation

 Qingqing Guo, Xianyong Fang, Linbo Wang, Enming Zhang, Zhengyi Liu

  20th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2023), pages 1-5, 2023, [Pdf] [Code]

 Reduced Volume of Diabetic Pancreatic Islets in Rodents Detected by Synchrotron X-Ray Phase-Contrast Microtomography and Deep Learning Network

 Qingqing Guo, Abdulla AlKendi, Xiaoping Jiang, Alberto Mittone, Linbo Wang, Emanuel Larsson, Alberto Bravin, Erik Renström, Xianyong Fang, Enming Zhang

  Heliyon, vol. 9, no.2, E13081, 2023, [Pdf] [Code]

 CCBLA: A Lightweight Phishing Detection Model Based on CNN, BiLSTM, and Attention Mechanism

 Erzhou Zhu, Qixiang Yuan, Zhile Chen, Xuejian Li, Xianyong Fang

 Cognitive Computation, vol. 15, pages 1320-1333, 2023, [Pdf]

 Polyp Segmentation of Colonoscopy Images by Exploring the Uncertain Areas

 Qingqing Guo, Xianyong Fang, Linbo Wang, Enming Zhang

 IEEE Access, vol. 10, pages 52971-52981, 2022, [Pdf] [Code]

 Robust Shadow Detection by Exploring Effective Shadow Contexts

 Xianyong Fang, Xiaohao He, Linbo Wang, Jianbing Shen

 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Pages 2927–2935, 2021, (Oral) [Pdf] [Code]

 Adaptively Feature Matching via Joint Transformational-Spatial Clustering

 Linbo Wang, Li Tan, Xianyong Fang, Yanwen Guo, Shaohua Wan

 Multimedia Systems, pages 1-11, 2021, [Pdf]

 DTOF-ANN: An Artificial Neural Network Phishing Detection Model Based on Decision Tree and Optimal Features

 Erzhou Zhu, Yinyin Ju, Zhile Chen, Feng Liu, Xianyong Fang

 Applied Soft Computing Journal, vol. 95, 106505, 2020, [Pdf]

 Text Image Deblurring using Kernel Sparsity Prior

 Xianyong Fang, Qiang Zhou, Jianbing Shen, Christian Jacquemin, Ling Shao

 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 50, no. 3, pages 997-1008, 2020 [Pdf] [Code] [Dataset]

 Single RGB-D Fitting: Total Human Modeling with an RGB-D Shot

 Xianyong Fang, Jikui Yang, Jie Rao, Linbo Wang, Zhigang Deng

 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, pages 24:1-24:11, 2019, (Oral) [Pdf] [Code] [Video]

 A Color-Pair Based Approach for Accurate Color Harmony Estimation

 Bailin Yang, Tianxiang Wei, Xianyong Fang, Zhigang Deng, Frederick W. B. Li, Yun Ling, Xun Wang

 Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics 2019), vol. 38, no. 7, pages 481-490, 2019 (Oral) [Pdf]

Blur Measurement for Partially Blurred Images with Saliency Constrained Global Refinement

 Xianyong Fang, Qingqing Guo, Cheng Ding, Linbo Wang and Zhigang Deng

 2018 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, pages 338-349, 2018 [Pdf] [Code]

 Single-Image Distance Measurement by a Smart Mobile Device

 Shangwen Chen, Xianyong Fang, Jianbing Shen, Linbo Wang, and Ling Shao

 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 47, no. 12, pages 4451-4462, 2017 [Pdf] [Code]

 A Consistent Pixel-Wise Blur Measure for Partially Blurred Images

 Xianyong Fang, Feng Shen, Yanwen Guo, Christian Jacquemin, Jian Zhou, Shanchun Huang

 2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pages 496-500, 2014 [Pdf] [Dataset]

 Fast Window Fusion Using Fuzzy Equivalence Relation

 Xianyong Fang; Hu Zhang; Jian Zhou

 Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 34, no. 6, pages 670-677, 2013 [Pdf]

 Image Mosaic with Relaxed Motion

 Xianyong Fang, Jiejie Zhu, Bin Luo

 Signal, Image and Video Processing, vol. 6, no. 4, pages 647-667, 2012 [Pdf]

 WebContent Visualizer: A Visualization System for Search Engines in Semantic Web

 Xianyong Fang, Christian Jacquemin, Fr¨¦d¨¦ric Vernier

  International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, vol. 10, no. 5, pages 913-931, 2011 [Pdf]